/u01/data went missing on WebLogic on OCI Instance

While working on my WebLogic on OCI Instance I found that /u01/data mountpoint went missing. It might have happened while doing maintenance activities on the file system.

The first thing I noticed was that the UUID entry in /etc/fstab was missing. The fix is pretty simple, get the UUID and run the mount command. I ran blkid command against the /dev/sdb device.

# blkid /dev/sdb
# Update /etc/fstab with UUID
# mount /u01/data

It seems /u01/data is still not mounting. I ran the mount command in verbose mode and here you go, another issue.

# mount -v /u01/data
mount: /u01/data does not contain SELinux labels.
       You just mounted an file system that supports labels which does not
       contain labels, onto an SELinux box. It is likely that confined
       applications will generate AVC messages and not be allowed access to
       this file system.  For more details see restorecon(8) and mount(8).
mount: /dev/sdb mounted on /u01/data.

The warning/error message itself gave the solution. Firstly, I tried with the restorecon command

# restorecon /u01/data
# mount /u01/data

This is not helping, and then I tried another method.

# touch /u01/data/.autorelabel
# reboot
# mount /u01/data

Bingo, the mountpoint is appearing, and the issue is fixed.

Let me know in the comments if you also faced a similar issue and how you solved it.